Northern Michigan aerial Imagery

Traverse City Area Drone Photos and Videos

Dronie: Your Partner for High-Impact Drone Photography and Videography


Flying since


Liability coverage


Turnaround time on photos

Drone shots tell a story

Drone images showcase your brand, products, property, work and services in a compelling way. They're an eye-catching way to engage with your audience and help build a narrative in an educational and entertaining way.


Build trust with captivating aerial visuals that leave a lasting impression.


Highlight your assets with professional photos and videos.

drone image of northern michigan business parking lot, streets, and architecture
drone image of downtown grand rapids michigan skyline

Powerful Aerial Visuals for Your Business

High Quality

Professional drone videography and photography services help enhance your online presence and engage your audience.

Own Your Presence on Google Maps

Convert fence-sitters and web surfers with punchy photos and videos that bring customers into your world.

Creative Visuals Enhance Your Story

Thoughtful imagery builds your brand in a positive way and shows your customers what you're all about.

"...went above and beyond this year in both quality of content and professionalism through storytelling, communication, flexibility, and personable attributes."

Excerpt from "Best of 2020" article

Companies we've worked with

Contact Dronie for inquiries

Creative visual media to help businesses stand out

downtown traverse city crosswalks in black and white drone view